TrolMaster Hydro-XEnvironmental Control
Trolmaster is the most intelligent and versatile environmental control system on the market. The system controls up to 512 lights, 4 temperature devices, 2 humidity devices, 2 CO2 devices, and 9 preprogram devices. Collect important environmental data and view it in real time using their IOS or Android app. Watch the video below to learn more or start building your system now.

Add Your Main Controller
The main controller is the brain of the system. Everything talks to the main controller and you can program everything from here to create the perfect environment. The Hydro-X controller will work for hobby and commercial grows but if you're not limited by budget the Hydro-X Pro will bring you advanced capabilities. Either way, add one to your cart and start building your system!
Trolmaster Main Controller

Add More Sensors
Your main controller comes with a temperature, humidity and light sensor. You can add Co2, smoke, flood, and even a PAR sensor!
Trolmaster Sensors
Add Your Device Outlets
Each air conditioner, humidifier, dehumidifier, or any other device you will be controlling with a sensor will require a device outlet to plug it into. The sensors talk to the outlets and tell them when to turn devices on and off. Add one for each device.
Trolmaster Device Outlets
Add Your Lighting Adapter
Add a lighting adapter next. You will install it between your light and the controller and it will act as the device station and control the light. Almost all grow lights work with the LMA-14 below. If you're unsure, check with Trolmaster or call us at 716-217-0353 and we will figure it out!
Trolmaster Lighting Adapter

Optional Temp & Humidity Stations
Some commercial devices will require an additional remote station for control such as mini-split air conditioners. All of the advanced stations are below!
Trolmaster Advanced Temp & Humidity Stations
Other Control Options
Find other control options and accessories to further customize and optimize your environment below.
Trolmaster Other Control Options
Additional Connection Options
Below are additional connection options not necessary for most setups but available if you need them!
Trolmaster Connection Options