Choosing the Right Size Grove Bag for Your Bud

The key for great results is in the details. You must choose the correct Grove Bag size for your cannabis, as this is essential for optimal curing and storage.

Grove Bags are sold based on the weight of the dried product they can hold. They’re designed to be filled only to 75% capacity to allow for proper gas exchange.

We’re here to help you make a smarter decision. Check out the different sizes and dimensions below so that you can pick the one that best suits your goals:

Bag Sizes and Dimensions: Pick the Perfect Solution

  1. Eighth Ounce :

    • Dimensions : 4 x 5 x 2 inches

    • Best For : Small personal stashes or samples.

  2. Quarter Ounce :

    • Dimensions : 4 x 6.5 x 2 inches

    • Best For : Slightly larger personal use amounts.

  3. Half Ounce :

    • Dimensions : 5 x 8.125 x 2.375 inches

    • Best For : Medium personal stash or small grow harvest.

  4. One Ounce :

    • Dimensions : 6.25 x 9 x 2.375 inches

    • Best For : Standard personal use or small-scale growers.

  5. Quarter Pound :

    • Dimensions : 9.5 x 13 x 5 inches

    • Best For : Larger personal stash or small commercial growers.

  6. Half Pound :

    • Dimensions : 12 x 14.75 x 5.25 inches

    • Best For : Moderate commercial growers or large personal stash.

  7. One Pound :

    • Dimensions : 14 x 18.5 x 8 inches

    • Best For : Large harvests from commercial operations.

  8. Two Pound :

    • Dimensions : 17.7 x 20 x 8 inches

    • Best For : Very large commercial harvests.

  9. Five Pound :

    • Dimensions : 23.6 x 25.2 x 8 inches

    • Best For : Bulk storage for commercial growers.

  10. Ten Pound :

    • Dimensions : 36 x 23.6 x 8 inches

    • Best For : Maximum capacity for large-scale commercial operations.

Filling Guidelines

To maintain the ideal microclimate inside Grove Bags and guarantee the best results, fill them to about 75% capacity, leaving around 25% empty. This space is crucial for the TerpLoc® technology to work effectively, allowing for adequate air exchange and preventing over-compression of the buds.

Using the correct size bag and following the filling guidelines ensures your cannabis is cured and stored under optimal conditions, preserving its quality and potency. Don’t forget about these rules, and you’ll get optimal results every time.

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Author | Chris McDonald

With two decades of expertise, Chris leads Happy Hydro in redefining sustainable gardening and delights in backpacking adventures, mind-expanding journeys, and creating memories with his loved ones.


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